Since starting business in 1950,Diversified Systems Idahohas proven they have the experience, industry knowledge, and service capability necessary to help commercial & industrial businesses with their fueling system and automotive equipment service needs. Whether you need a backup fuel system for an emergency generator or want to increase revenue with addedshop service offerings, improve efficiency with a new compressed air system or affordable car lifts, or save energy in your facility with aused waste oil burner, you can count on DSI as your equipment and service provider. We can be reached by phone at (208) 344-8607 oronline.
Fuel System Service,
Installation and Repair Boise,ID
Fuel System Service, Installation & Repair
A commercial fuel site contains many working parts, including a gasoline or diesel storage tank, tank accessories, piping systems, pumps, hoses, nozzles, and fuel management systems. We can provide design, equipment, installation, and service.
Air Compressor Supplier in Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Northern Nevada
Emergency Diesel Generator System
We provide service to critical service industries, including hospitals, government agencies, and communication providers that rely on power generators with back-up fuel when normal electrical service is interrupted.
From home car lifts to commercial vehicle & truck lifts, air compressors, wheel balancing & alignment equipment, lubrication systems, and waste oil burners, we provide installation and service for the necessary vehicle service equipment.
We have worked with many industries and businesses, including the State of Idaho, St Luke’s Boise Medical Center, Nampa Airport, Newmont Mining, various farms & ranches, and numerous car and truck dealerships. Our commitment to outstanding service and superior products continues to create many loyal customers. We offer installation across Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Northern Nevada, and provide repair services for systems within a wide radius of our Boise base.
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